Prince Antasari
Assalamualaikum wr wb Today I will make a biographical text again, but now I will make a biographical text for one of the heroes, Prince Antasari Orientation Pangeran Antasari is one of the national heroes who was born in 1797 in the Banjar district, South Kalimantan. He is one a national hero who spent his life driving the Dutch from Indonesia, especially in the banjar area. He was very worried seeing the confusion occurred in the banjar kingdom which was increasingly controlled by the Dutch. He was sent to saw the people's movement and faced various things to start expelling the Dutch from the land of the banjar. Events On March 14, 1862, the prince of Antasari was given a title by leader of the banjar sultanate at that time with the title Panembahan Amirudin khalifatul mukminin. His initial name was not prince antasari but gusti inu kartapati. The parent...