How To Use (Chap 3 Part 3)
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb today we still discussing about procedure text, but different this time we will discuss "how to use" DEFINITION Text procedure is text that gives us orders or instructions to do something. Usually this type of text begins with the sentence “How to…”, for example “How to use camera” or “How to use a magic jar”. Procedure Text is found in many cookbooks and manuals. The purpose of a procedure text is to explain how something is made, done or used through successive steps (to show how something is made/used/done through a sequence of steps). STRUCTURE Structure of the procedure text is : 1. Goal/Aim: contains the purpose and objectives of the relevant procedure text. 2. Materials: contains the materials needed to perform the stages of a text procedure. 3. Steps: a list of sequential steps to complete the text procedure steps. 4. Result: the result of the steps that have been taken.\ TYPE 1. Procedure text that displays how to operate/use something. ...