Recount Text
Assalamualaikum wr wb Hi, come back to me, this time I will explain about recount text. Recount text is a type of text in learning English that has the function of retelling events or experiences that occurred in the past. This text aims to provide information and / or entertain readers who read this blog. Feature recount text : 1.Using past tense (past) sentences, such as went, departed, would, woke up, etc. 2.Use adverb and adverbial phrase to express time, place and way, such as last September, Pari Island, on the second day, etc. 3.Use conjunctions and time connectives to sequence events or events, such as and, before, then, after that, etc. Recount text structure : Orientation In this first stage, the author is asked to provide an introduction in the form of information about who, where, when the event or incidents occurred in the past. In this section, the author is expected to provide the reader with the information necessary to understand the entirety of the text. Ev...