Assalamu'alaikum, today we will explain what exposure text means and give an example of its text


Exposition text is a text that contains a persuasive and can convince readers of an opinion expressed by the author on a problem or issue that is being discussed. Beside the opinion, exposition text can also contain the writer's arguments. Exposition text can makes pros and cons about the issues. Of course, this text serves as a means for writers to express opinions along with their arguments in discussing a problem or issue.


1. Thesis

2. Argument

3. Conclusion 


1. Using simple present tense

2. Using conjunction

3. Using a lot of arguments

4. Using emotional vocab

5. Using evaluative words



Currently, it is still not safe to reopen the school in the midst of pandemic. There are some reasons for it.

Firstly, teachers are the only persons who already get vaccinated, while the students are still not protected from the virus. Then, being vaccinated does not mean that they are fully safe since there are still variants of evolved virus in which there is still high risk of being infected.

Moreover, it is not always easy to manage the students to they want to follow the protocol. Even, there are still proofs showing the teachers do not follow the protocol.

By considering these arguments, it is better to stop the idea of reopening the school.



Thank you for read my blog, I hope you are very healthy and happy 

Wassalamualaikum wr wb


UlulAbshor said…
Very good blog...your blog is complete and it makes it easy for readers to understand
UlulAbshor said…
Very good blog...your blog is complete and it makes it easy for readers to understand
Adam Setiawan said…
you really good make this blog
Farhat Erlangga said…
Well done! ur blog is very detailed.

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