Descriptive text (Recreation place)

Assalamualaikum wr wb

Hi again with me, this time I will describe the recreation area of ​​Mekarsari

Mekarsari fruit garden is a place of recreation in the town of Bogor located precisely at the Cullinan area.You can go into the fruit garden is 265 hectares .You can see see the collection of plants here with a tour by buying a train ticket is Rp. 10 000.However, you must be patient in the event queue is quite long.

Once you're off the train tour, you will see outbound area.for those of you who already have families can try this to add intimacy with the family.In addition to outbound region,there is also the lake where you and the family can enjoy the rowing boat or sailing boat.For those of you who want to enjoy the atmosphere with a partner, you can rent a boat duck.So that will feel the romantic atmosphere.

After you are satisfied with enjoying all this,you can board a train tour to go back to where you board the train early. Before you go home,you can buy as a souvenir by the by. And before you leave the fruit garden was built on the initiative of Alm.Mrs, Tien Soeharto this, a time to a minute to enter the region of "Garden Paradiso".This place sells bonsai collection and sold at affordable prices.So, for you who like to plant, try to enjoy your vacation by visiting Mekarsari Fruit Garden.

Thank you for read my blog 
Wassalamualaikmum wr wb


P said…
I also want to go there hehe

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