Offering To do something (Chap 1 Part 2)
Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb welcome back to my blog today I will explain what an offering is and give an example of the conversation. Offering is an expression used to offer something. Same with Indonesian when we offer something there is an official way (formal) and there is an informal way (informal). Offer is Is a way used to convey an offer to someone, correctly and politely. offer is divided by 2, namely : Accepting offers Types of Accepting offers : 1. Thank you, I appreciate your help. 2. Yes, please. 3. Yes, of course. Declining offers Types of Declining offers : 1. No, thanks you, 2. It's okay, I can do it my self. 3. Don't worry, I can do it my self EXAMPLE Irgian: Do you have any plan this afternoon? Avriza: Not really. Why are you asking?. Irgian : I will go to your house then. Avriza : That would be a perfect idea. We can play video games or have another activity. Irgian: We have art class for tomorrow...