Conclusion (Chap 1 Part 3)

 Assalamu'alaikum, welcome back to my blog, today I will explain again what suggestions and offerings are

Suggestion is a form of a noun which means an idea or suggestion proposed to someone else.

Suggestion can be used in three different ways with identical or similar meanings.

1. Suggest can be followed directly by a gerund or by a possessive adjective + gerund when the gerund does not refer to the subject of the sentence.

2.suggest can also be followed by that + subject + should + verb, but in the following clauses, that and should can be omitted so that only the subject after the verb suggest

3. Suggest can be followed by a noun if the meaning is clearly known from the context.

4.suggest can be followed by a question word + an infinitive.

Offering is an expression used to offer something. Same with Indonesian when we offer something there is an official way (formal) and there is an informal way (informal).

Offer is Is a way used to convey an offer to someone, correctly and politely.

offer is divided by 2, namely : 

Accepting offers

 Types of Accepting offers : 

1. Thank you, I appreciate your help. 

2. Yes, please. 

3. Yes, of course. 

Declining offers 

Types of Declining offers :

1. No, thanks you, 

2. It's okay, I can do it my self. 

3. Don't worry, I can do it my self

 Conclusion : the conclusion is that by studying offer and suggestion material, we can learn what language to use when we offer something, and be polite of course and use good language

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Wassalamualaikum wr wb


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