Opinion & Thought (Chap 2 Part 1)

 Assalamu'alaikum wr wb

welcome back with me today I will explain what opinion is and give an example

Giving opinion is an expression in English that is used to express or express an opinion.

When we are negotiating, expressing opinions, or simply chatting with a friend, we often say/express agree or disagree with the other person. But we don't fight for our own opinions, so we have to know how to show empathy with different opinions and also disagree without sounding aggressive so that the ongoing conversation seems monotonous. We need to express our opinions and, at the same time, show that we listen, understand and respect the opinions of others. If they feel comfortable, they will be more open to our ideas, opinions, or suggestions.


Irgian:  So Avriza, what do you think to make a good friend?

Avriza :  Well, I personally believe that a friend is someone who is fun to be with.

Irgian :  Hm…fun to be with? Can you give me an example?

Avriza :  I like friends who like to go out and have fun together – go down town, go to the beach, see a movie, something like that.

Irgian :  So….does that mean a friend has to like the same things you do?

Avriza :  No…not really, just that they have a fun personality.You know, fun to be with whatever we do.



Thank you for read my blog, I hope you are still healthy

Wassalamualaikum wr wb


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