Reflection (Chap 4 Part 5)

 Assalamu'alaikum, this time we will recap what we learned in chapter 4 

1. Exposition Text

Exposition text is a text that contains a persuasive and can convince readers of an opinion expressed by the author on a problem or issue that is being discussed. Beside the opinion, exposition text can also contain the writer's arguments. Exposition text can makes pros and cons about the issues. Of course, this text serves as a means for writers to express opinions along with their arguments in discussing a problem or issue.

2. Analytical Exposition

Analytical Exposition is a type of text that belongs to the type of Argumentation Text where the text contains the author's detailed thoughts about a phenomenon that is around. The social function of the Analytical Exposition text is to convince the reader that the topic presented is an important topic to discuss or get attention by providing arguments or opinions that support the main idea or topic.

3. Hortatory Exposition 

Hortatory exposition is a text that contains the opinion of the author in the form of arguments to influence the readers to follow the opinion of the author. So, in a hortatory exposition, the author places more emphasis on changing the reader's mindset, it's like 'do this or don't do that or should be like this instead of that'. This is the difference between Hortatory Exposition and Analytical Exposition. In analytical exposition, it just expresses the author's opinion. 


Conclusion : In conclusion, by studying Exposition text, we can try to convince the reader that the topic presented is an important topic to discuss or get attention by providing arguments or opinions that support the main idea or topic

Thank you for read my blog I hope you are very healthy and happy

Wassalamualaikum wr wb


Adam Setiawan said…
ou really good make this blog, great explanation!!!!
Sylph said…
Your blog is good and completely

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