Personal Letter ( Chap 6 Part 2 )

 Assalamu'alaikum wr wb, hello again meet me, on this blog we will still discuss personal letters, curious what the material is, let's check it out. 

Personal Letter Type

1. Letter from Person to Person

“A person-to-person letter is a personal letter sent by one person to another on a personal matter, as opposed to a business matter.” Here are the types.

- Character reference letter

- Condolences letter

- friendship letter

- goodbye letter

- Love letter

- Apology letter

- Letter of complaint

- Congratulations letter

- Personal reference letter

- Resignation letter

2. People-to-Business Letters

"Person-to-business letters are personal letters sent to individuals or institutions or matters relating to some type of business relationship between the two parties." Here are the types.

- Acceptance letter

- Application letter

- Letter of commendation

- Complaint letter

- cover letter

- Financial distress letter

- Financial information letter

Personal Mail Language Features

The characteristics of personal letter language are as follows:

1. Focus on the current exchange of news, feelings, and personal conditions

2. The use of pronouns, simple present tense, and past tense

3. Use of date and address

4. Informal greetings or greetings



Sinopsis : There was a woman who wanted to take the chicken's egg, but the chicken was not willing to take the egg, when the egg was taken the chicken took revenge with......

Thank you for read my blog, I hope you are very happy and health

Wassalamualaikum wr wb


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