Cause & Effect (Chap 7 Part 1)

 Assalamu'alaikum wr wb

hello, meet me again, this time I will explain what cause and effect is, please understand, good luck. 

Meaning : 

Cause and effect is cause and effect. That is, a type of compound sentence that has a cause and can cause an effect. Cause means something that happens, while effect is a consequence or consequence of the event. Usually, these sentences are characterized by a signifying word or phrase called a connector. Because it is often used in conjunction with a degree of comparison sentence,


1. Cause and effect + Noun

Rumus : Connector + Cause, + Effect

Connector: due to, owing to, because of, as a result of, as a consequence of

Ex : 

(Due to) (the storm)  (we cannot go to the beach.) 

(connector) + (cause) +(effect)

2. Effect + Connector + Cause

Ex : 

(I got sick)  (due to)  (the cold weather) .

(effect) + (connector) + (cause)

3. Cause and effect + Verb or Clause

Connector : because, since, for, hence, thus, therefore, thereby, consequently, as a result

Ex : Because her brother lives in Jakarta, she must visit him every month.

Cause-and-effect conjunctions or in English called cause-effect

is a conjunction that connects a cause and effect. There are two types

connecting words are:

1. Conjunctions followed by clause

A conjunction followed by a clause is a conjunction that

requires a subject and a predicate in writing. Conjunction type

These first include:

a) Because

Sinta was absent because she got bad cold yesterday

b) Since

Jenny has decided to move to Surabaya since there are more opportunities for

employment in that city.

c) As

The players delivered a splendid performance as they had rehearsed well

d) For

He could not get a seat for he came too late

e) As a result of

There are too many tasks, as a result most of the students are unhappy and


2. Conjunctions followed by phrases / gerund

A conjunction followed by a phrase is a conjunction followed only by

only noun phrase or gerund without any predicate or verb in it. Say

These second types of connectors include:

a) Due to

Due to driving while drunk, his driving license was reserved by the police

b) Because of

The teacher got angry because of the students' disobedience

c) Owing to

Owing to her hard work, she passed the SBMPTN entrancestest

d) Thanks to

Thanks for their good plan, the event ran well.

We can mention the cause first, then the effect.

My Exercise :

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Sinopsis : 

      A man who loves clocks and is very organized in his life. Unexpectedly, he had an accident and entered the time dimension where he hoped that this time dimension could save him from an accident. Even though he repeatedly tried to change it, it still didn't work. Until in the end he gave up and did not hope at the time. And he avoided the accident.

However, at the end of the story he was unexpectedly struck by lightning, and he was brought by the actual time.From this story we can understand that a person who values time alone still hopes that he can change fifteen minutes of his life to improve it. Indeed we never know when our time ends, whether it may be ten years, ten months, ten days, or ten seconds.

Thank you for read my blog, I hope you are very happy and healthy 

Wassalamualaikum wr wb


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